Snow White Lies by Sarah J. Pepper
“Evil poisons everyone. Period. Our mouths water when we sink our teeth into what we have always craved. Surrendering to our desires by biting off delectable piece of the forbidden fruit is nothing more than a meager confession: Poison tastes sinfully sweet,”—Confessions of the Big Apple Debutante, by blogger Miss Snow White.
2.5 stars

Nivea 'Snow' White is the young heiress of her father's empire, but also of his drug dealing secret business. After his death, she takes the reins and tries to survive under the randar of the city's villains, the Seven Dwarves and their Queen. Add a handsome, dark, mysterious guy who lets her know that he's going to kill her sooner or later and you have your Huntsman.
"You are the Queen's property until the fairest harlot whose skin is as white as snow and hair is as dark as night is sacrificed by your doing. Be warned. Lies spew from her blood-red lips, but she will give you a worthy epithet."
This is a dark, twisted retelling of Snow White, so if you think that you'll be reading just a modern version, think again. It's not a 'love and flowers' kind of read. This story had a lot of mystery, suspense and adventure, so if that's what you're looking for, this might be for you.
I probably belong in the minority here, but this book didn't work for me. I wish it had, but sadly I must have missed the mark. I was very excited when I read the blurb and thought 'A dark retelling of Snow White? Hell yes!'. When I read the prologue, I was amazed and so intrigued, because it literally starts with a bang.
"We would be no good for each other but fate didn't care. Our destinies were interwined."
Sadly, there were so much information and so many names and facts that I nearly got drowned in them. I got so confused that I didn't know who was who. I was trying to decipher what was going on. Who should I be suspicious? Who was good and who was evil? I was so confused that I really felt stupid for not being able to understand.

I'm sorry, but this was probably not my cuppa, it wasn't because the writing was bad, because I liked the flashbacks and the characters were interesting, but somehow I struggled to understand this book and I didn't enjoy it as much as I wished I would. Since there are so many positive reviews out there, I think this is a case of

PS: I really appreciated the personal note by the author: "I do hope you find your prince charming, even if he's a book boyfriend." Thank you! <3
I received this book in exchange for an honest review (LoP or Lovers of Paranormal)
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