Where the Road Takes Me by Jay McLean
Chloe has one plan for the future, and one plan only: the road. She’s made a promise to herself: don’t let anyone in, and don’t let anyone love her. She’s learned the hard way what happens if she breaks her rules. So she’s focused on being invisible and waiting until she can set out on the road—her dream of freedom, at least for a little while.
Blake Hunter is a basketball star who has it all—everything about him looks perfect to those on the other side of his protective walls. He can’t let anyone see the shattered pieces behind the flawless facade or else all his hopes and dreams will disappear.
One dark night throws Chloe and Blake together, changing everything for Blake. For Chloe, nothing changes: she has the road, and she’s focused on it. But when the so-called perfect boy starts to notice the invisible girl, they discover that sometimes with love, no one knows where the road may lead.
**2 Black Letter Stars**
First of all, I don't know why they changed the previous cover because it was so beautiful!

Blake is a high school -basketball star, who seems like he has the perfect life, but he knows that this isn't true. Chloe is an invisible girl, who wants to stay this way for her own personal reasons. What happens when she meets Blake and suddenly she's not invisible to him anymore? What happens when her only plan in her life is to leave after graduation on an eternal road trip, leaving everything and everyone behind?
I'm just gonna get in my car and drive. No destination. No map. Nothing. Just drive.
I don't want to be mean, but I may sound harsh when I say that this book made me feel frustrated. It made me mad and it also made me roll my eyes several times. I strictly believe that the author's solemn purpose was to make her readers cry. There was so much drama in this book, so much suffering and depressing things that actually I found them completely melodramatic.

I wish I would have liked this, but the plot had several loopholes, the story was simply unplausible and it only made me wonder if I would have liked it if I would have been younger. Maybe I would have liked it more, but to me it had so much unnecessarily drama, that I just wanted to blow my brain or something.
The rest of my review will be in a spoiler section, because I feel like I need to express myself and I don't want to ruin it for someone. Proceed on your own risk.
Oh God, where to start? First of all, I had the insta love thing that bothered me, but I will leave this aside, because it was also nonchalant compared to my other issues.
So, our girl, Chloe, tries to live her life invisible, she doesn't want to get people attached to her because there's 50% chance that she carries the gene of cancer, since both her mother and her aunt died because of that. BUT she hasn't been tested, she just makes assumptions and she prefers to keep her distance from everyone.
"You're not allowed to love me. No one can."
At first I suspected that she had a health issue and that was her reason to act like that. But no. She doesn't have cancer, she simply has the possibility of having it in the future. *takes a deep breath*
Also, her actions at the first part of the book.. She got attacked by a man, probably he tried to rape or sexually assault her and Blake comes on her rescue and even though they don't know each other and even though she just got attacked, she leaves with him and jokes around and then they also go to a diner instead of going home and crying her eyes out, like I would have done.
Meanwhile, Blake has already a girlfriend. A girl who uses him strictly for popularity reasons, but still he's supposed to be taken. I didn't like that he was trying to pursue Chloe , when he hadn't cleared things out with his girl.
Then after they go to this road trip, she feels something on her breast and doesn't say anything to him, she just gives him hope about a common future and accepts his proposal and still hasn't told him what she found.I was so fucking frustrated at that point. I wanted to slap her for being so selfish.
"I knew I was being selfish to want the same things as he did. But a part of me wanted that selfishness to be okay, because he knew about my chances. He knew what might be coming. He just didn't know how soon."
Yes, he knew about her posibility and still wanted to be with her, but giving him hope for the future, when she was speaking about her upcoming death? NO. JUST NO.
And then we have at the epilogue the death of Blake's mother. Just like that. She was alive during the whole book, giving to me my most favorite scenes with her around and in the end they just visit her grave. I mean...WHY?!
There were a couple of scenes that I did enjoyed and even made me smile, but still, the book was overflowing with so much bullshit that I just couldn't. Like their first sex moment together.. She ran right after, crying, into the shower and acted like she had been raped. I mean come on. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this book more than I did!

Thank you Alice for the BR! I hope our next one will be better! <3
Arc kindly provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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