Take Me With You by K.A. Linde **Review**

All of my demons are coming to head.
I thought Ari could push them back.
I thought I could conquer my vices with her at my side.
I thought wrong.
Fear is my new constant.
I thought I could conceal it, contain it, control it.
I thought that now that I had Grant the worst was over.
I thought wrong.
But if we’re going to survive, wherever you go…take me with you.
3 stars

Take me with you was the continuation of Take Me for Granted. I want to start by saying that I wish this was a stand alone. Sadly I didn't enjoy Take me with you, as much as I had enjoyed the first one.
"I'm your arrow, and you're my arrow"
Aribel is still a student at Princeton and she's still in an exclusive relationship with Grant. They have their up and down moments throughout the book. She also has to face her own demons, when it concerns her family and her friends.
Grant is ready to go on a tour and discussing to sign with a well known label. It's his first relationship ever and it's going to be a long-distance relationship, with numerous fans throwing themselves on him in the meanwhile. At the same time he learns shocking news about his father, that can change everything.

I think that the book had a lot of potential, but it didn't work well on this part. I felt like a couple of parts were dragged, there was unnecessary drama that could be avoided faster and there were parts that really made my rage boil. (I'll get back on that.)
There is character development, the plot and situation isn't like the first one. (Although, I also felt like we had a better knowledge of the side characters on the first one. I felt like they were really aside this time. Not forgotten, just not important perhaps.)
Facts that really annoyed me. The following will contain spoilers. Procceed with your own risk!
1.I didn't like the fact that the author tried to make Vin's action on the first book seem redeemable. Not only that, but Vin's character never said anything about it, just one moment he turned to Grant and said 'No harm. No foul'.

She also used Aribel's friend, who is like obsessed with Vin's cock and told Ari that he felt sorry for that and didn't mean to make any harm. FOR FUCK SAKE. NO. The fact that he had spiced her drink, in the first book, shouldn't be passed like that. Shouldn't be forgotten like that. The book ended without an effort to apologize or something. That only makes me wonder if the author plans on a third book. It would be the only explanation. If she's planning to make a book about Vin though, don't count me on reading that.

2. I love Grant, but he got me so mad in this book. He was like checking out every hot chick in his concerts, in the label, in the bars, pretty much everywhere,thinking about how hot they were and that he would have fucked them if it wasn't for Ari. Well,

Break up with Ari and go back to fucking hot chicks . You griped me about your fucking sluts. Break up with her if she's such a bargain!
"Manwhore, Princess. I earned the title. Don't take it away from me."
Well, I'm glad, I won't.

I didn't know how to rate this one, because I don't like leaving books unfinished [or DNF as it's known around here], but I honestly struggled to finish this one. The fact that I lost my interest on the MCs, I didn't enjoy this time the side characters and the pet peeves that I mentioned above, make me give this rating. And for me, who loved the first book so much, feels actually low and I'm sorry for that, but honestly I felt disappointed. On the other hand, I loved Grant's smartass comments and his dirty mouth.
Arc kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review
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