The Way We Fall by Cassia Leo **Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway**
From New York Times bestselling author Cassia Leo comes a twisted and passionate love story that pushes the boundaries of loyalty.
Maybe we shouldn’t have fallen so fast and so willingly.
Maybe we shouldn’t have moved in together before we went on our first date.
Maybe we should have given our wounds time to heal before we tore each other to shreds.
Maybe we should have never been together.
Houston has kept a devastating secret from Rory since the day he took her into his home. But the tragic circumstances that brought them together left wounds too deep to heal.
Five years after the breakup, Houston and Rory are thrust together by forces beyond their control. And all the resentments and passion return with more intensity than ever.
Once again, Houston is left with a choice between the truth and the only girl he’s ever loved.
The Way We Fall is the first book in The Story of Us series, which follows the tumultuous love story of Rory and Houston. The sequel, The Way We Break, will be released Spring 2015.
Cassia Leo Bio:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cassia Leo loves her coffee, chocolate, and margaritas with salt. When she’s not writing, she spends way too much time watching old reruns of Friends and Sex and the City. When she’s not watching reruns, she’s usually enjoying the California sunshine or reading – sometimes both.
**3.5 - 4 ThisIsTooMuch Stars**

I don't know where to start from. This book was really intense and it will make you feel. Various emotions will probably pass through you. You may get mad, frustrated, heartbroken, depressed, happy, confused, maybe even disgusted.The only certain is that it will make you feel!
Houston is Hallie's older brother. Rory is Hallie's best friend and she was in love with Houston ever since she was 11. They share a really long and painful past. A past built in a tragedy, lies and unspoken feelings that brought them together.

What happens when fate brings them back together five years later? What happens when they always thought they would end up together, no matter what, but there are obstacles in their way? Mostly what happens when he's still holding on a secret that can destroy her?
“This is the way we fall. First we lose our balance, teetering precariously on the edge of uncertainty, until, mercilessly, gravity takes over. You can’t outshine gravity.”
This is definitely not a light read. Even though it had certain scenes that made me laugh with their witty dialogues and the well written characters, the sexy moments, I can't say it wasn't a tough one.
Houston's and Rory's story is a complicated story that will have you rooting for them and against them at the same time. I could see the love they shared, but also struggle with the circumstances that brought them together, past and present. I was trying to understand the reasons for their actions, because the present-past-present had kept me guessing.

And close to the ending I got mindblown. I couldn't have guessed. I was probably staring wide eyed and my mouth was hanging open at the revelation. I usually can predict what's going to happen or what happened, but I could never imagine that twist. I always appreciate authors who can surprise me.

This is a really captivating and heartbreaking story and the writing is so good that will suck you in. Even if you struggle, don't stop. Don't give up. I don't wish to spoil people, but this book is dealing with several sensitive subjects.. It will probably be a love or hate kind of book for many. I have to admit that I struggled at some point, but then the writing was amazing and the constant angst and twists and turns couldn't make me stop reading! Even the secondary characters had kept me interested and drawn in the story, wondering what's going to happen next.
“It doesn’t have to end, does it?”
“I hope it never ends.”
I cannot wait for the next book in the series after that ending!! This is my first book from this author, but certainly won't be the last.
**Arc kindly provided in exchange for an honest review**
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Cassia Leo Bio:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cassia Leo loves her coffee, chocolate, and margaritas with salt. When she’s not writing, she spends way too much time watching old reruns of Friends and Sex and the City. When she’s not watching reruns, she’s usually enjoying the California sunshine or reading – sometimes both.
Cassia Leo Bio:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cassia Leo loves her coffee, chocolate, and margaritas with salt. When she’s not writing, she spends way too much time watching old reruns of Friends and Sex and the City. When she’s not watching reruns, she’s usually enjoying the California sunshine or reading – sometimes both.
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