Block (Social Media #3) by J.A. Huss

Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #YouAreCaredFor So the movie star says. But his idea of cared for isn't the same as mine. Obviously a #Douche.
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #BehindTheScenesIsMyScene The Blue Bird has trust issues. And tantrum issues. And commitment issues.
Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #SaidTheKettleToThePot
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #YouAreMine and I won't let you forget it.
Grace @FilthyBlueBird
@VaughnAsher #YouMustShitUnicorns that's how delusional your fairy tale is. #GetAGripOnReality I'm outtie.
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird You're an #Innie #Sweetheart :) My tongue licked all your #CuteLittleButtons.
Why is he so damn sexy? How will I ever get out from under Asher's thumb if I can't stop thinking about his tongue on my buttons? #HottiesNeedToPlayFair

4.5 #InLike stars
This story keeps getting better & better! God, I'm so excited at the moment!! :D
In the previous book, we left Vaughn & Grace at a good point, but everything seems to change rapidly in this one. Vaughn for some reason disappears and when he realizes that he misses Grace and wants her back in his life, well, Grace doesn't make it easy for him.
I might not be your prince, but I think you’re my princess.
We can see him trying to change her mind, trying to convince her that things will change and won't be the same for them. He wants to change and make an effort for her. And I love this character development so much!
I'll be yours, If you'll be mine.
There were many scenes that had me smiling like a silly girl, thinking that this was too sweet to be true. But I really liked it! Vaughn surprised me a lot with the things he did for her. The ending makes me want to jump immediately into the next book, Status & that's what I'm about to do! ;)
"We don't need the fairytale when this is our reality."
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