Conversion (Conversion #1) by S.C Stephens

Emma is content. She's got a promising career in front of her, great friends, and a pretty amazing family. But her love life has been a little lacking lately. That's when fate steps in, and she crashes into a tall, dark and handsome man—Teren Adams.
He’s single, successful, an extraordinary gentleman, but he’s also secretive. And some of his secrets are more unusual than most people’s. For instance, he’s a “little bit” vampire. He has fangs, incredible hearing, unbelievable speed, and, on occasion, he enjoys drinking a steaming cup of blood. But he’s also very much alive. He has a heartbeat, loves steak as well as cappuccinos, and has no problems walking around during the day.
Since Teren acts human the majority of the time, the pros far outweigh the cons in Emma’s book. But when it becomes apparent that Teren’s condition is much more serious than he first lets on, and that being in a relationship with him requires more sacrifices than most would be willing to make, will Emma stay? Is love enough to compensate for a life that will never be anywhere near normal? But then again...what's normal anyway?
2 stars
Not so long ago i read "Thoughtless" by S.C. Stephens and i fell over heels for Kellan Kyle, so when i finished it i wanted to read another book by this author cause i loved her writting this is when I stumbled upon Conversion. Due to my vampire obsession since i read "The coldest girl in coldtown" i thought it was right at my ally.
I really really wanted to like this book but to tell you truth i forced myself to finish it.
I don't know which thing bothered me the most. First Terren tells Emma that he's "a little bit a vampire" are you for real? And Emma she takes it so lightly, WTF if my boyfriend told me that, i would freak out and think he's crazy at least. And then comes the"draining the chicken" scene. oh my freaking god are you fucking kiddin' me he drained the chicken that you're gonna it in front of you and you thought it was hot?????? I can't even! I was so grossed out!
I didn't even like the dialogue in this book, it was like 2 15year olds were talking not 25year olds with respectable jobs.
In the end i don't think it was worth the read, but to anyone who liked it, i'm so happy you did, i wish i did too!
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