Beautiful Inferno by Abby Gale **ARC Review**
I was the Dante in my own inferno and Maya was my sweetest hell.
How do you review a book that has a really vague blurb and you want it to be that way without you giving away too much? I mean I know how to express my feelings, but I really don’t intend to spoil and give things away. I'm just going to say that Maya and Zeke are struggling with their feelings for each other and because of the society's standards they are considered to be forbidden.

I went into this book completely blind, trusting solemnly my instincts and my desire to read a taboo dark romance. And I’m so happy I did that! I didn’t feel uncomfortable, I actually really enjoyed the taboo aspect of the book, no matter if people consider it twisted or forbidden or whatever. I was completely on board with these characters and I could feel their chemistry, their connection and I understood why they felt that way.
Our love was like a poison that couldn’t be stopped. It was moving in our veins, burning away all the common sense inside us. Our love was a poison that didn’t have an antidote.

So, I give points for the characters, I give points for the plot, for the situation and the development of it. What would make me give this book 4.5 instead of 5 stars is the way the last chapters seemed to be shorter and shorter and how fast everything escalated near the end giving me an almost abrupt ending. In my opinion always, things seemed to be rushed around the last 20% of the book. Other than that, it’s a perfectly executed story and a beautifully written book.
This is my first book by Abby and I was hesitant to delve into, because I didn’t know what I would meet, I didn’t want to be disappointed because even though she’s someone I respect, I would still rate and review in an honest way and that would make me sad. I always get stressed when friends ask me to read their books, for that reason, but I never favor them just because I know them, so I’m very pleased to say that this is in no way a biased review, but only 100% true from an avid reader with an open mind. If you like taboo, forbidden love stories, then go ahead and read this one.
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