Moore than Forever (Needing Moore #3) by Julie A. Richman
"You have no idea of what you do to me, Baby Girl."
"It's smoochal."
Is the love they always dreamed of enough?
Continuing the emotional journey of love and betrayal that began on a college campus in Searching for Moore and turned their worlds upside down in Moore to Lose, handsome, California entrepreneur Schooner Moore and sharp and sassy, New York advertising agency owner Mia Silver continue to be confronted with the harsh reality of the remnants from the lives they lived apart for 24 years.
Now, Schooner Moore and Mia Silver face the ultimate challenge - were they really meant to be together or will their pasts continue to tear them apart?
On the heels of the birth of their newborn son, Nathaniel, Schooner and Mia must decide if their love and loyalty to one another is strong enough to learn to grow together as a couple or if the life they always dreamed of sharing was better left as a teenage fantasy.
This is the third and final book in the Needing Moore Series and is not meant to be read as a stand alone. Book 1 - Searching for Moore and Book 2 - Moore to Lose should be read prior to reading Moore than Forever.
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"Your first and your last, Baby Girl. Your first and your last."
Moore Than Forever starts at the hospital with Mia giving birth. At the previous book we had something that was about to blow things between Shooner & Mia. So this one starts pretty intense, making us wonder what's going to happen between these two. After all these years apart, are they going to break things off so easily? Or are they going to fight for the love they share? And how about their son who comes in life so early and unexpected?
I really enjoyed the final instalment of this series. Even though it started rough, it moved quite smoothly and I loved reading their journey. I liked the parts in Zambia. Really enjoyed Mia's & Shooner's bonding with Msikana, Zac's character development & his relationship with his younger siblings. I don't think that there was something that I didn't enjoy once again, so I'm quite satisfied with their HEA ending.
A totally recommended series :)
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