Therapy by Kathryn Perez

I’m needy.
I’m broken.
Cutting breaks through my numbness, but only opens more wounds.
Depression, self-harm, bullying....that's my reality.
Sex and guys....that's my escape.
The space between the truth and lies is blurred leaving me torn, lost and confused. And while the monsters that live in my head try to beat me-- the two men that I love try to save me.
This is my story of friendship, heartache, and the grueling journey that is mental-illness.
Sometimes you have to get lost in order to be found…

Yesterdy I was seeing lists of the best books that people read in 2014 so I thought what mine would be and Therapy kept popping up in my mind. I don't think this is going to be a proper review but I just have to say something for this book. I don't want to say much because I really don't want to spoil anything so here we go.
This book broke me to pieces, them put me back together just to tear me up again!
Jess, Kingsley and Jace were all victims, trying to find a way to take control of their lifes.
“They say monsters live under our beds.
They’re wrong because our mind is where monsters truly reside.”
Therapy is Jessica's story. Jess is a very troubled girl. She cuts and she has continues promiscuous sex with random guys to fill her need for love and attention. For that she's being bullied constantly in school.
"Needing someone to love me and want me has always
driven me to the brink of madness."
Then Jess makes an unlikely-friendship with the most popular guy in school, Jace.

I liked Jace from the start. They're time together, they're fist kiss, the first touch, everything was perfect. It felt like I was right there, experiensing everything with them. Just amazing, so raw and beautiful.
But then came one of the best book guys I've ever read!
Kingsley. Tha man left me breathless!

My god!! Kingsley stole my heart from the start. From the very first time we saw him. This character will always have a place in my heart.
I adored everything that had to do with Kingsley, from his Harley, to his guitar playing even his cooking skills.
Kingsley was PERFECTION.
His story was unbelievable, he was broken in his own way but he was also so strong. I admired his will to leave every bad memory behind and try to move forward. I loved how he helped Jess to move forward. He offered her everthing she needed to start living again and stop wasting herself away.
Jessica and Kingsley healed each other.
I was crying so hard that I had to stop reading multiple times. Even now that I think about it and try to collect my thoughts, after so many months since I've read it, it gives me shivers and tears me up. That scene totally fucked me up. I don't think there are words for the emotions that it gave me.
Please, PLEASE pick up this book. It truly is a phenomenal read that will stay with you forever. It will make you cry, it will make you laugh, feel furious at times but it will also show you love and healing.
It makes you underastand the struggles and the pain, that people with mental illness or people with bad shit happening to their lifes, have to go through. And how hard is to overcome it so you can move forward.
“You’ve awakened a part of me that’s been locked away
for the past year. I love you and if loving you is wrong,
then I don’t ever want to be right.”
WOW! I've written a lot more that I thought I would but I had so much to say. Sorry if my thoughts are all over the place but this books truly gives me all the feels.
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