Sincerely, Arizona (Sincerely Carter #1.5) by Whitney Gracia Williams
**Note: This is not a standalone or a novel. It’s the previously unpublished epilogue (which I extended :-) ) to "Sincerely, Carter", and the easiest way I could make sure as many readers as possible have it since I normally post things like this on my blog. (And it's FREE!) :-)
PS—Yes, I will still post this on my blog. :-)
Just friends.
We’re just friends.
No, wait. We’re no longer just best friends…
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
“I’ve been in love with you for damn-near my entire life,
and the only regret I have is that I didn’t realize it sooner.”

That was such a lovely epilogue!! In just a few pages Whitney managed to write a sweet, fun & sexy epilogue for our lovely characters Carter & Arizona from Sincerely, Carter. Even though I love reading epilogues about further in their future lives, this one started when the previous left us. But still, if you've read the book, you'll need the extended epilogue ♥
Thank you, Whitney Gracia Williams!
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